Friday, March 6, 2020

Repealing and Replacing Mitch McConnell

After rewatching, reflecting, sleeping on it, and reviewing my notes, here’s my analysis of last night’s Democratic primary candidate forum for KY Senate race:

 Mike Broihier was the candidate who not only answered the questions asked without slipping into campaign stump, his responses reflect deep knowledge of the issues and refreshing willingness to own his opinions. This has been my favorite thing about him since the day I met him and I have grown more impressed every time since. I believe his well-rounded lifetime experience, his deep understanding of how we all live, his intelligence, integrity, and huge heart make him the candidate who can reach every voter in Kentucky and the best candidate to represent all of us in the Senate.

My second favorite, although his resume might not read as qualified as others, is Jimmy Ausbrooks because I know without a doubt that he, too, is in this race for all the right reasons. I truly admire and appreciate his willingness to jump in and give this everything he has. My hope is that he gained the name recognition, experience, drive, and support to run against Rand Paul in two years, or for a state office.

Charles Booker is a likable, informed, active candidate that I will easily be able to support should he win the nomination. I am not as convinced that his motives for running are as pure as the two I already mentioned even though I believe he is a good person. He strayed from directly responding to questions and has endorsed Sanders which is a huge negative in my book.

Amy McGrath threw in so many filler words and asked herself questions, fumbling for a mental picture of the cue cards her handlers and coaches primed her with that it was both comical and pitiful. She purposefully avoided directly answering questions and flew her hypocrite flag high on the money question. I have doubted (been suspicious of, actually) her reason for getting in this race from the start and she didn’t clear any of that up for me last night.

We need to rid this country of Mitch McConnell’s reign of destruction so selecting the best candidate who can beat him AND represent us well in Washington is extremely important. I believe Mike Broihier is the candidate to do all of that.

Primary election date is May 19, 2020. Mark your calendar, remind your friends. 

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