Thursday, January 31, 2019

Real Reason McConnell Made Stupid Election Day Statement

Dear [sic] McConnell aka ofPutin aka ofKoch aka ofNRA aka ofChao: 

It was fun and revealing to see you announce on the Senator floor that you think making Election Day a holiday is a 'Democratic Party power grab'. But, I hope everyone will giggle for a second and then think about why you would do this. You and your depraved party do nothing without purpose and ulterior motive.

My purpose in writing is to have this link to share when I caution people not to fall into your trap. Although I don't oppose the idea of making Election Day a holiday, I do know that people have to work every second of every day - first responders, hospital staff, etc. And most of us want grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, and gas stations open on Election Day. 

Making Election Day a holiday won't even make a dent in the real problems with our failed elections system. You know this as well as I do, and that's why I believe you chose to create a media and followers cycle with your ridiculously revealing and transparent statement. 

We need to focus on automatic registration with voter ID cards similar to our SS/Medicare cards. Tangible proof that we are eligible to vote. And on fixing the problem of purges, and disenfranchisement, and poll locations being moved without warning . . . We need to get electronics completely out of elections - paper ballots with moderated humans doing the counts and no results released anywhere until every vote has been counted no matter how long it takes.

We need 24/7 voting for at least a week, not only one holiday that will not help the person who wakes up with a debilitating illness that day.

Thank you for giving me a reason to write and create this link. 


Thursday, January 24, 2019

Brown Shirts, Red Caps, McConnell and Trump Mobs and Thugs

Connecting ugly dots:
First, remember this ALWAYS

Then, read  Where the Brown Shirts Came From  and realize that the red caps are far worse than *just* white hoods. Although Alyssa Milano was absolutely correct in her article Red MAGA Hats Are the New White Hoods – Let’s Take a Stand I believe we must connect many more dots. 

Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, and the Republican Party that helped them every step of the way had the blueprint from history, and obviously planned this out from the red cap (brown shirt) on. Those caps were not like campaign shirts. They were something that could and would be worn every day, everywhere, forever, making their (YOUR MOBS AND THUGS, McConnell and Trump) 

<>or "Brownshirts" as they were commonly known, as a group of rowdy young psychopaths looking to brawl<>

easily identifiable. Like the Covington Catholic School kids, who were immediately given 'fame and fortune' (the right-wing's inappropriate definition of the American Dream) with a White House invitation from Twitler himself.

And connect this to the huge movement for private schools - NEW bill in KY already, with Republicans on television saying don't pay attention to the people who are trying to inappropriately use the Covington thugs to warn against this -  
Additionally, Republican legislators will again attempt to pass a bill that ***allows tax credits for donations to nonprofits that hand out private school scholarships***. This bill went nowhere in last year’s session, and now has the added difficulty of needing more votes to pass in the short session.
***note how this is worded, and who benefits***

And think about the church school kids whose minds are controlled from early ages and overwhelmingly raised by parents who support the party of fascist misogynists, racists, theocracy-seeking killers who call themselves Christians and claim they are right-to-life and right-to-work supporters while they kill jobs and people literally and through policy.

And then know that today, Trump, aka ofMcConnell aka ofKoch and ofChao and ofNRA is using "radicalized Democrats" as his excuse for canceling the State of the Union that would really only have been him lying, gaslighting, inciting violence against Democrats and minorities, and campaigning and he'll find other ways to do that anyway, like tweeting and speaking to FOX about radicalized Democrats and everyone who wears brown shirts or red caps knows radicalized people are dangerous and need to be stopped . . .

And Ford, who has pretty much cut wages in half if you consider the actual cuts they made and the raises that slowed over the last decade or two, pissed off employees when, after they helped put Republicans in power, those Republicans sent jobs to Mexico. This very likely woke a few so what are they doing now? Right as they're getting their shorted tax refunds due to Republicans revamping the tax code to send their money to the top brackets, they're announcing a bigger profit sharing bonus this year to make up for that, hoping they'll forget that they should have gotten their bigger tax refunds as well as this bonus, and kept jobs. Because they know people are gullible.

They like to mock conspiracy theorists because that makes ALMOST EVERYONE afraid to connect dots. I'm not like almost everyone so I will connect every dot I see. And all dots lead to McConnell being a despicable man who hates this country.