Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Moscow Mitch McTreason

Yay! Someone got clever. I said I wasn't going to use #MoscowMitch because I preferred to stick with what I had been using #traitormitch and like to be a leader, not a follower. So, now, #MoscowMitchMcTreason is trending. Perfect enough to make me a follower this time.

And I am not the least bit ashamed to admit that I took great pleasure in watching his seams weaken as he gave his pathetically transparent guilt-ridden, projecting about McCarthyism whine on the floor yesterday. My goal for years has been to reach his conscience or fear of prosecution for the crimes he has committed against this country and if #MoscowMitchMcTreason is the ticket, I’ll buy.

I thank you, creator of #MoscowMitchMcTreason