Sunday, October 14, 2018

Dissecting Darlene Superville, Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump - How to read articles and liars

"He's Kentucky tough," Trump declared.  Warning: one of the most dishonest articles you'll ever read

The inability to read critically, or between the lines, seems to be one of the biggest problems in our society. In the past, the common joke on all of us was that people believed it was true if they saw it on the internet. We've gone way beyond that sad joke now. Most people know better than to believe it must be true simply because they saw it on the internet but a great number of them will search for what they know to be untrue to use as proof that their lies or opinions based on lies are valid. Trump screams fake outrage about fake media when he's only in the position to destroy this country because fake news outlets helped put him there. He loves fake news. This is a perfect example of the fake news he, McConnell, and the Republican Party thrive on.

I intend to add at least the required number of my own words to Superville's fake news and insult to journalism to make it both legal and ethical for me to repost her words. Hers will be in black and mine in red.

Darlene SupervilleAssociated Press
Donald Trump heaped praise Saturday on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, crediting the veteran Kentucky lawmaker's political toughness and acumen  What Trump (and this writer, since she didn't indicate otherwise) calls political toughness and acumen are what honest, ethical, conscientious, intelligent people call depraved obstructing, blackmailing, cheating, and -- in some of Senator McConnell's own words* -- "ramming down our throats" something exceptionally unpalatable. Kavanaugh's progression to this position began with him being groomed from a young age, possibly as early as his obvious problem with alcohol began and at which point his emotional growth was stunted, to be used as a tool to assist the Republican Party's coup. He later assisted Ken Starr in worrying about blow jobs and semen on dresses, back in the days when Republicans thought the White House belonged to them and they had a right to tell the occupants exactly what they could do and when and where they could do it, and helped smear the Clintons. Then, he worked on Bush the Dumbers campaign, helped in the recount that wasn't really a recount, and assisted in  implanting Bush the Dumber in the White House, where he was rewarded with a United States Circuit Judge seat that he was in no way qualified to hold. 
Since I come from a long line of troubled gamblers, I don't actually gamble with money. If I did, I'd bet everything I own that his unhinged outburst of spit-filled rage toward the Clintons during his hearing testimony wasn't only about promising Republicans they could depend on him to be a partisan hack, it was also a guilty conscience erupting like projectile vomiting.  -- during the ugly battle that concluded with Brett Kavanaugh becoming a Supreme Court Justice.  Never forget that he became a Supreme Court Justice only because Republicans lied and cheated to put him in that position, and because Mitch McConnell is a Machiavelli clone
"He's Kentucky tough," Trump declared.  To which some depraved Republicans cheered while sane, educated, ethical Kentuckians felt deep regret and embarrassment AGAIN. 
Kavanaugh took his seat on the high court this week after overcoming allegations of sexual misconduct dating to his high school and college years. No, Darlene Superville, he did not overcome allegations. Republicans denied the many people who could have corroborated Dr. Ford's story the opportunity to testify, and conducted a sham of an FBI investigation that brought shame on the court and this country.  That's what guilty people and people who want to protect a guilty person do. He forcefully denied the charges, and Trump and McConnell firmly backed Kavanaugh (making them deplorable fathers who must hate their daughters, misogynists, and a danger to all girls and women) as part of their combined quest to populate the judiciary with conservative judges. Kavanaugh could tilt the political balance of the high court in the conservative direction for generations. 
"We stuck with him all the way because we knew the facts," Trump said, speaking of himself and McConnell, Kentucky's senior U.S. senator. And, since Trump lies in every sentence and McConnell has lived a lie most of his life, and we watched Kavanaugh lie repeatedly during his hearings, I'm offended that Darlene Superville quotes this without any reference to this important, common knowledge. 
"There's nobody tougher. There's nobody smarter. He refused to cave to the radical [sic]-- see how easy it is to insert honesty, Darlene? Five little keystrokes.  Democrats' shameful campaign of personal and political destruction," Trump said lied at a political rally at Eastern Kentucky University before he called McConnell to the mic. 
"He stared down the angry left-wing mob.* Right here, Darlene! THIS is where you remind the reader that mob is a favorite word of Trump's because he is a MOBSTER, supported by mobsters and violent militias.* And where you point out that this is gaslighting, and where you mention that this behavior is NOT OKAY.  He never blinked and he never looked back and he got us a man who will be one of our great, great Supreme Court justices," Trump said. Great, great = great like Thomas (the sexual predator) Alito (who also lied repeatedly in his hearings).   Video of the peaceful protest that they lied about - only dangerous to people who fear truth. 
McConnell returned the compliment and told the president to continue nominating judges and "we'll keep confirming them." Which jumped global warming up an entire year in one second as the blood of millions of people boiled, remembering that king-of-obstruction, Machiavelli-clone, depraved, sociopath McConnell stole enough seats from President Obama to complete his coup. Seriously, what's the point in writing this irresponsible fluff piece if you aren't going to report the things that matter? Nobody cares if the orange man came to stump for one of his cronies and praise a monster? Really. Nobody even needs to know that. 
Democrats fiercely and vocally opposed Kavanaugh, opposition that hardened after Christine Blasey Ford accused him gave the details of him sexually assaulting her when they were in high school. Other women accused him of other sexually inappropriate behavior. And were denied the opportunity to testify. You forgot the important part again. 
Protesters swarmed Senate office buildings and hundreds were arrested in a futile attempt to intimidate a handful of holdout senators (back to my unfortunate non-gambler status because I would also like to bet that there were only two reasons this could have happened, 1) every Republican took Russian money or 2) GOP threatened their lives) into voting against confirming Kavanaugh. Trump has taken to referring to Democrats who opposed Kavanaugh as an angry "mob."* Get a real job. This is so irresponsible. 
The president flew to Kentucky to campaign for three-term Republican Rep. Andy Barr, who is facing a strong challenge from Democrat Amy McGrath, a retired Marine fighter pilot, in one of the country's most-watched House races.
Democrats are focusing on the seat in their drive to regain control of the House. Former Vice President Joe Biden became the highest-profile Democrat to campaign for McGrath when he came to Kentucky on Friday night.
Trump told the rally that a vote for Barr "could make the difference between unbelievable continued success" Unbelievable might be the most honest word Trump has uttered and it was probably a Freudian slip or failure, (In this case, I'll take failure, please) and pleaded with his supporters to vote on Nov. 6 to send more Republicans to Congress.
"The only reason to vote Democrat is if you're tired of winning," he said. We aren't winning and we are tired of your lies and gaslighting "I need you to get your friends, get your family, get your neighbors, get your co-workers and get out and vote for Andy Barr," Trump said. 
The president sounded familiar themes during the hour-plus rally Hitleresque gaslighting touting the economy's performance, a new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, and his plan for a new military branch devoted to outer space, among a host of other issues that led the crowd to cheer him.
He again panned journalists as the "fake news media" and suggested he could live without their attention. If only they were responsible enough to STOP GIVING HIM ATTENTION. 
"I'd like to walk into a place one night and not have any of these guys," Trump said. No one would love that more than I would. This McConnell puppet should be totally ignored. 
With just over three weeks before Election Day, Saturday's rally was part of an aggressive fall campaign push by Trump to energize Republicans and encourage them to help keep his legislative agenda (look Mitch - he said that dirty word that you hate so much) moving forward (speaking of puppets, these words scream, "I want you to see that I use the lingo.")  by voting to keep the GOP in control of both houses of Congress.
In fact, even before Trump left the stage on Saturday night, his campaign announced a three-state Western swing through Missoula, Montana; Mesa, Arizona; and Elko, Nevada, next Thursday through Saturday. Who's paying for this? And why don't Republicans care? 

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