Wednesday, March 20, 2013

McConnell Madness Brackets Ready

Recently, over in the Facebook Group, No More Life With Mitch McConnell (name reflects anticipated retiring of this blog along with the Senator in 2014), I posted this:

BE ON THE WATCH: I realized today, when I saw Mitch's FB post, that the odds are against him. Any day now, he is bound to slip up and accidentally tell a truth.

So far, that hasn’t happened. In the spirit of March Madness, I created a bracket competition with the accidental truths I would most like to hear Senator McConnell drop. I invite everyone to participate and share with others.

There will be no cash prize but we are all winners if someone replaces his botox injections with truth serum, or he suddenly develops a conscience at this late age. And, to all who predict the winner, I will be forever in awe of your awesomeness.

Should anyone feel cheated because there is no money involved, you are welcome to make a donation to the NOT MITCH fund:

Make checks payable to: Jefferson County Democratic Party

Be sure to add this to the FOR line: Against Mitch McConnell

Mail to:

Jefferson County Democratic Party
640 Barrett Avenue
Louisville, Kentucky 40204 
(per Bill Ryan, Chairman, Jefferson County Democratic Party)

Let the fun begin!

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