Sunday, March 15, 2015

McConnell Promises to Continue Being a Total Ass

should have been the headline. Instead, they used, McConnell Threatens to Delay Lynch Nomination Over Human Trafficking Bill.

"A bipartisan bill aimed at aiding victims of human trafficking is in peril now that Democrats have learned it contains an anti-choice provision to restrict funding for abortion. Democratic lawmakers say they were not aware of the abortion-related language and have accused Republicans of sneaking it in"

Newsflash, asshat, you don't get to pretend you are the victim when you are the leader of the hypocrites who whine about pork and then shove pork into every bill they get their hands on. That is disgusting and dishonest.

Nice try, though. I'm sure the brain dead fools who still support you are sufficiently gullible and ignorant to overlook your hypocrisy.


Sen. Mitch McConnell defends GOP letter to Iran was "highly appropriate"...

WTF, you despicable, dishonest, old coot. Do you honestly think this bunch of flap-jaw will convince a single sane person that the party that you are supposed to be leading didn't commit crimes and endanger this country? If so, you're supider than I thought.