Friday, August 16, 2013

Senator McConnell Responds With Lies About Health Care Legislation

Dear Senator McConnell:

You asked me, repeatedly, via television and the internet, to let you know my thoughts about Obamacare. I knew by your use of the word 'Obamacare' that you were fishing for a negative response but, once President Obama warmed up to the name, we all decided to use it. President Obama does care, and it will be nice for his name to stay attached to it so that all of the people who benefit in years to come will associate it with him. 

So, I did as asked. I called. And, I called again. For a while, I thought I would call every time I heard or saw an ad, but even I don't want to dedicate that much of my time to you. I called both your Louisville and Washington offices. I told them that I support Obamacare. I like Obamacare. I know that Obamacare is working for many already, and that we need to fund it so it can work for everyone. I am a huge fan of Obamacare. I love me some Obamacare. I've read the entire bill a couple of times and I've taken a class - that's how much I honestly care about and love Obamacare. Mark me down as a supporter of Obamacare, please, and tell the Senator that I want him to stop lying about Obamacare.

The people who answer phones in your office are friendly and appear to understand English. It should have been perfectly clear to them where I stand on Obamacare. But, as they should, each verified that I was saying I do, indeed, support Obamacare. 

Taking all of the above into consideration, I'm sure you understand how perfectly insulting this response letter is. The only thing I can possible believe is that you not only choose to lie, you want to lie in such a condescending, insulting way that it makes the recipients of these letters hate you. If that's the case, you have succeeded. I hate you, as my Senator and, I'm pretty darned sure, as a person. 

I notice you use 'health care legislation' instead of Obamacare in this letter. That tells me you must have realized how grateful people would be to President Obama for the Affordable Care Act so, now, you want to take it away from him. You also didn't want to call it the Affordable Care Act because that would make it easy for people to research and discover that this letter is packed with lies. How pathetically transparent you are. 

Here are some truths about Obamacare/The Affordable Care Act/health care legislation

New Data Suggests Obamacare Is Actually Bending The Healthcare Cost Curve


Friday, August 9, 2013

I'm Holding My Nose, Too, Senator McConnell

Dear Senator McConnell:

Sadly, there is no pleasure for me in the knowledge that you have been duped by your own party and by your campaign manager. I honestly felt sad for you when I saw this picture. Jesse Benton has used you the same way you have been using ignorant people for decades, and you are forced to pose for this picture and pretend you are happy about it. Ouch! Your chickens have come home to roost right on your face.

I've thought all along  that it was obvious your campaign wasn't really on your side. Senator McConnell, I am going to put all hard feelings aside for a minute and offer you some good advice. You are NOT cool and you only look silly when you try to look that way. You know, sorta like I would look if I colored my hair neon green, pierced my lip, and tattooed a sleeve on my arm? Some things just don't work for everyone. Seriously, both of you look ridiculous in this picture but he won't have to live with it forever the way you will. He can trot right back over to the tea party when he is finished destroying you and they'll welcome his idiocy. You, on the other hand, have just provided another face for people who would rather focus on your appearance than your terrible record to stick on a turtle. It upsets me that you might be remembered as the clown in this race instead of as the worst Senator in history.

It would be nice if I could just sit back with a smirk and say you deserved it. It is killing me to think instead that I should probably campaign for you to win your primary. As disappointing as it has been to have you for my Senator, I know your tea party challenger would be even worse.


 "Two of the worst secrets in politics have now been confirmed. Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul cut a deal where if Paul helps McConnell get reelected in 2014, McConnell will help open doors to the mainstream Republican for Paul when he runs for president in 2016. The second secret revealed is that Rand Paul fully intends to run for president in 2016. Everyone in the country who follows politics already knew this, but there it is straight from the lips of a member of Rand’s own family."   Mitch McConnell Gets Trashed By His Own Campaign Manager In Leaked Audiotape

Jesse Benton on Mitch McConnell: "I'm sorta holding my nose for 2 years"

Mitch McConnell’s Campaign Manager: I’m “Holding My Nose”


Saturday, August 3, 2013

C-span Know Something We Don't About McConnell?

I've said he belonged here for years. Could it be? Are they going to cover him being hauled away? (Sure makes a better visual than him as a Chippendale.)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Alison Grimes Campaign Kick Off

In case you missed it!

Senator McConnell's Chickens Come Home to Roost

Dear Senator McConnell:

Ouch! I can only imagine how you must feel now that your party is lying about you exactly the way you have lied about President Obama. That surely must hurt. My instinct is to offer sympathy but I'm standing strong because I know pain is necessary for growth. It's never too late to learn a little decency so this might be a turning point for you.

"It is in this environment that 15 Kentucky Tea Party groups released a letter last week blasting two national Tea Party groups for endorsing Senator Mitch McConnell, complaining of McConnell’s “Progressive Liberal voting record” and his “willingness to roll over and cede power to President Obama and the Liberals in Washington.”  From the New York Times article: Republicans: Blinded by Self-Righteousness

 Also see: Thom Hartman's Once again, Republicans reject their own plan 

The Republican lawmaker refused to acknowledge that President Obama's plan did exactly what GOP leaders have been calling for – lower the corporate tax rate and simplify the tax code.  Instead, Senator McConnell focused in on infrastructure spending, calling it “extra goodies,” and ignoring the fact that it would put many Americans back to work.  This out-of-the-gate obstruction is just more Republican economic terrorism.  They will oppose anything that the President proposes, no matter how many Republican ideas are included.   - See more at:
The Republican lawmaker refused to acknowledge that President Obama's plan did exactly what GOP leaders have been calling for – lower the corporate tax rate and simplify the tax code.  Instead, Senator McConnell focused in on infrastructure spending, calling it “extra goodies,” and ignoring the fact that it would put many Americans back to work.  This out-of-the-gate obstruction is just more Republican economic terrorism.  They will oppose anything that the President proposes, no matter how many Republican ideas are included.   - See more at:

The Republican lawmaker refused to acknowledge that President Obama's plan did exactly what GOP leaders have been calling for – lower the corporate tax rate and simplify the tax code.  Instead, Senator McConnell focused in on infrastructure spending, calling it “extra goodies,” and ignoring the fact that it would put many Americans back to work.  This out-of-the-gate obstruction is just more Republican economic terrorism.  They will oppose anything that the President proposes, no matter how many Republican ideas are included.   - See more at:
The Republican lawmaker refused to acknowledge that President Obama's plan did exactly what GOP leaders have been calling for – lower the corporate tax rate and simplify the tax code.  Instead, Senator McConnell focused in on infrastructure spending, calling it “extra goodies,” and ignoring the fact that it would put many Americans back to work.  This out-of-the-gate obstruction is just more Republican economic terrorism.  They will oppose anything that the President proposes, no matter how many Republican ideas are included.   - See more at:
The Republican lawmaker refused to acknowledge that President Obama's plan did exactly what GOP leaders have been calling for – lower the corporate tax rate and simplify the tax code.  Instead, Senator McConnell focused in on infrastructure spending, calling it “extra goodies,” and ignoring the fact that it would put many Americans back to work.  This out-of-the-gate obstruction is just more Republican economic terrorism.  They will oppose anything that the President proposes, no matter how many Republican ideas are included.   - See more at: